TÉRMINOS: Dear customer, before making a Technical Assistance service request, EVALUATE WHETHER THE REQUEST IS VALID by answering the items below. If the REQUEST IS IDENTIFIED AS INVALID, that is, in the event of no liability on the part of the Construction Company, a fee of R$200.00 (two hundred reals) will be charged per technical visit. Before requesting it, please CHECK the following situations: Is the requested repair still under warranty? Consult the owner's manual, item Warranty Conditions - Legal warranty. Have the warranty conditions been met? Consult the owner's manual, item Warranty Conditions - Loss of warranty. - Was renovation carried out with changes to the original project delivered by the Construction Company? Ex.: Changing or installing flooring, damage to doors, frames, sliding door tracks caused by renovations, changes to hydraulic or electrical piping, etc. Any change to the original design will void the warranty. – Were preventative maintenance, inspection or renovations carried out by specialized companies and was the ART (Technical Responsibility Note) provided, according to art. 3 of Law 6,496/77 and NBR Standard 16,280/2014? If the contracted company causes damage to the apartment or building, the Construction Company will not be responsible for correcting the damage.